Every Summer IGC hosts M.A.D.D. Camp (a FREE Music, Arts, Dance and Drama Institute for local children.) The finale recital was Friday Night - and it was WONDERFUL! Check out the slide show below!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Indonesia Mission Moves Forward
Bishop LaDonna & her team are currently in Indonesia - conducting believers' seminars as well as Festivals of Faith.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thugg for Jesus Ministers to IGC Youth
Bishop Bell (aka Thug for Jesus) ministered in RAP to IGC's Young People (and adults) this past Sunday morning. Bell, an ex-gang banger and drug dealer, was blinded by a bullet from a rival gang's gun. Soon after he gave his life to Christ and has ministry helping young people avoid the pitfalls of gang related involvement.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Ministry to the Native Americans on Pine Ridge Reservation
Our Missions team just returned from another missions trip to the Lakota People on Pine Ridge Reservation in South DaKota. These scenes below were captured by our team - each trip (now up to 6 a year) has yielded a greater harvest.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Miracles Galore as Festival Continues
Bishop LaDonna helps the multitudes know how to receive Christ and His healing power!
Check out her website to read all of the testimonies. Bishop LaDonna's DRC Report & Testimonies
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Osborn Festival Begins in Congo
Now that the Believer's Seminar has concluded, the participants have disbursed to invite the hurting, sick, hopeless and unbelievers to the Festival.
Bishop Osborn writes: "As I arrive on the Matadi Festival grounds, the people begin to shout wit the excitement that only hope gives. Within 10 minutes from the beginning of this Festival service, my interpreter, Pastor Jacque and I have taken the microphones. People are continuing to pour onto the Festival grounds. After a brief Gospel message on THE POWER OF JESUS, I invite the people to receive Jesus into their hearts. Multiplied thousands raise their hands to experience Jesus' power to forgive their sins. They repeat the prayer for salvation with great fervor. There is joy across this vast multitude. The people lay their hands on their sick bodies as I pray for them, commanding the spirits of disease to leave the people. Even before I give instructions, the people begin acting their faith. As the platform fills with people who are eager to testify I begin noticing something remarkable. ALL of those giving testimonies had been crippled, because of strokes, rheumatism, accidents, curses or some other cause. One woman had been deaf, but she had also been crippled. Another had sickness throughout her body. But again, she was also crippled. One six year old boy was carried to the Festival on his mother's back. One year ago a mysterious illness left the boy crippled. His legs drew up tightly and he never walked again. After the prayer for healing he told his mother, "Put me down. I know I can walk!". The mother weeps before the people thanking God, as her boy runs across the platform, a broad smile across his beautiful face. We've only just begun!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Believers' Seminar in DRC
Friday, May 7, 2010
Bishop LaDonna Ministering in Democratic Republic of Congo
Bishop LaDonna has returned to DRC (former Zaire) to conduct a great Believer's & Leaders Seminar followed by a FESTIVAL of MIRACLES. Pray for her & her team.
The seminar is happening now - Festival to begin next week.

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Another Gathering of Tulsa Area Women in Ministry
Bishop LaDonna ministered on God Reversing Impossibility as women from Tulsa & surrounding communities met at IGC for fellowship & teaching. Click here to listen to the message for yourself!

-- Post From the IGC Sanctuary

-- Post From the IGC Sanctuary
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Is it Really Spring in Tulsa?

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Game Night
Sunday, March 7, 2010
His Body
Communion Sunday @ IGC is also Family Sunday. We take special time to celebrate youth, birthdays & anniversaries! This is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said that er are "all one bread & one body".

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone
Location:E 24th Pl S,Tulsa,United States
Friday, February 26, 2010
The French Leaders Conference A Success
Ministry to the French & Francophone Church leaders concluded with a great healing service!

While our Pastor & Bishop ministered abroad, the ministry here at home was carried on with the usual excellence & love of Christ!

Meanwhile, ministry at IGC continued in love and excellence. -- Post From Pastor's iPhone
Thursday, February 18, 2010
IGC Leaders Minister in France
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Principles of Leadership Class Convenes
Bishop LaDonna Osborn is offering a special intensive class this week through the Women's
International Network. The class, Leadership Principles for Women in Ministry, has attendees from 5 states Bulgaria, Congo and Holland! to find out more about upcoming W.I.N. events go to http://www.winministry.org/.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Superbowl Sunday at IGC

We had a full day of activities at IGC! From the powerful preaching ministry of Missionary Marie Brown to the IGC Bowl after church where young and old played a ver y dirty game of touch football to see who would win the Pastor Chy Cup! Then, we concluded the day with a Tulsa Area WIN Gathering - where Women in Ministry gathered from Churches & Ministries in the Tulsa Metro Area, Washington State and Holland.

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone

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