Thats what Salvation Army Founder William Booth said about the vast numbers of women that he and his wife, Catherine, enlisted to carry out the work of the Salvation Army at its inception 150 years ago! Since that time the Salvation Army has infiltrated every continent with a Gospel message demonstrated with love in action!

So, it comes as no surprise that Bishop LaDonna chose to convene the summer class of W.I.N. (the Women's International Network) at Sundbury Court, the Salvation Army Interna
With Bishop LaDonna is Pastor Chyanna, Rev. Rachael Miller (WIN Administrator), Paula Derby, Katrina Shaw, Ceretha & Hosanna Terrell-Causey, and Rachel Thomas (Bishop's oldest granddaughter).
W.I.N. is a ministry of International Gospel Center, and our church is proud to be able to say that we are equipping and sending women as well as men into the world well equipped to DO Gospel Ministry !