A Place where all kinds of people can come and learn to live the JESUS-life.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Bishop LaDonna Ministers in Indonesia
In the early 1950s, Drs. TL & Daisy Osborn traveled to Indonesia (then Java) to conduct the first massive open-air gathering held there in over 350 years! Hundreds of thousands attended that crusade! Now, 50 years later, Bishop LaDonna Osbornhas returned to this beautiful country to share the GOOD NEWS of the LIVING JESUS with the world's largest Muslim population (over 200 million Muslims spread over 17,000 Islands).
The Governor, Vice Governor and and 5 members of Parliament attended the opening ceremony - the first Christian event ever graged with their presence. Accompanying her are her husband (IGC Deacon Cory Nickerson); Rev. Harry Jackson and Rev. Jennifer Yeager (IGC Music Minister). Join the IGC believers as we continue praying for this event! For more updates check http://www.osbornministries.blogspot.com/