Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is it Really Spring in Tulsa?

The first day of Spring and Tulsa was covered with snow! One thing for sure -the Tulsa weather keeps us CONFUSED! However, there was no confusion at IGC this Missions Sunday morning as Rev. Ceiti Demirkova ministered about God as our SHEPHERD! A native of Bulgaria, Ceitci has a powerful testimony and phenomenal ministry here in America, Africa and Eastern Europe. You can hear her message at our church website (you can also just click here, you can see the entire scope of her ministry by visiting her website,

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Game Night

Friday was a great time of FELLOWSHIP here at IGC. We call such nights FFFFF = Fun, Food, Fellowship, Family & Friends!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

His Body

Communion Sunday @ IGC is also Family Sunday. We take special time to celebrate youth, birthdays & anniversaries! This is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said that er are "all one bread & one body".

-- Post From Pastor's iPhone

Location:E 24th Pl S,Tulsa,United States